Can It Really Be Simple For You To Attract Women?                   

I know it can sound kind of unbelievable to think that attracting women can actually be simple,  especially if you have been finding it hard to get a girlfriend in recent days.  However,  some of that is just your perception of the way that things are based on how you have experienced things.  If you can find a way to change your experiences in relation to dating,  then you can change your perception and that is when you have the chance of making things seem simple for you.

One of the reasons why most guys don't think that attraction is simple is because they have been conditioned to believe a lot of the wrong things about what women want.  And if you believe that certain things that are supposed to attract women are the way to go and then they don't work out,  of course you are going to see things as being complicated.

So,  let's take a look at some of the more common things that guys get wrong when it comes to what they THINK women are attracted to:

1)  Money.

This is probably the number one mistake that men make.  They think that because they see SOME guys who have money do well with women,  that it means that having money is a must.  And that simply is not true.  There are plenty of men that have money that struggle with women.  There  are also plenty of guys who have money and have a wife or a girlfriend who actually makes their life worse rather than better.  So,  to think that having money is the answer or that it will be the one thing that makes you attract a woman worth dating,  you'd be wrong.

2)  Muscles.

Again,  this goes back to the fact that guys will see some guys with muscles do well with women and they think that all guys with muscles do good with the ladies.  That's so not true.  There are plenty of guys who spend their time in the gym because they don't have anything else to do.  They substitute lifting weights for their non existent sex life.  That doesn't mean that it's not good to try and get in shape,  it just means that having muscles is not going to make everything easier for you.

3)  Fame.

You see celebrity guys attracting the most beautiful women and you think that fame must be the answer.  Well,  there is some truth to that.  You are much more likely to date a famous woman if you are somewhat famous yourself.  However,  that does not mean that if you don't have any fame at all that you won't be able to attract a woman.  You may end up with a really good looking woman who is just as hot as an actress but doesn't have the fame.  So,  you really don't need to believe that this is the secret,  either.

Three Attraction Tips that WILL Make Things Easier For You

So,  in the paragraphs above, we explored some of the things that really don't matter as much as you might think that they do.  That's a good start,  because you do have to get some of those myths about what attracts women out of your head if you are going to get on the right track.  However,  you do need a little more than that if you are going to do well with women and so,  let's take a look at what does work well and what can help you attract women easier than what you are experiencing right now.

Here are 3 attraction tips that you should follow:

1)  Women are always attracted to men that have a little bit of an air of mystery around them.

Guys who read like an open book are no fun.  Meaning,  if there is no mystery there,  then you really don't have a lot to make her think about you all of the time.  On the other hand,  if there IS an air of mystery about you,  then you can bet that she probably will be thinking about you a lot.  While she is trying so hard to solve that mystery that is You,  you can bet that a part of her will start to fall for you as well.

2)  You will attract more women when you surround yourself with women.

When it rains it pours,  right?  Well,  the more often that women see you in the company of other women,  the more likely it is that they are going to think of you as being a guy that they might like to date.  Think of it as being pre-qualified for dating.  When women see that other women like you and trust you,  they are much more inclined to feel the same way.  Of course,  that means that if you play your cards right,  that you will probably have an easy time getting a woman to say yes to going out on a date with you.

3)  Women are very attracted to guys who know how to let loose when the time is right.

Are you the kind of guy who is serious all of the time?  Are you the kind of guy who people run away from at a party because you talk about things that bring the whole vibe down?  Well,  if you are,  then that has got to change as soon as possible.  If you are going to really have some success with women,  you have to know how to have a good time and let loose.  There is a time and a place for serious talk and when you are out trying to meet and attract women,  that is neither the time nor the place.  Another good thing that happens when you cut loose is,  you are much more likely to be aware of a woman's signs of attraction that you can play off to escalate things even further.  That usually does not happen if you are too serious or you are trying too hard.  You'll usually miss those signs and that can end up making it hard for you to progress with a woman you like.